wormhole 2
Everything just steam and smoke?
- Electricity
- Worldexhibition in Paris
wormhole 3
Explosions and microwave spaghetti
- The Big Bang
- Philosophy
- Nature of the universe
- Solar system
- Light-pollution and the Milkyway
wormhole 4
The raisin cake incidents
- Nature of atoms and matter
- Light is wave AND particle
- special theory of relativity
- general theory of relativity
- Maths in science
wormhole 5
A cat´s secrets
- Radiation in atoms
- Northern lights
- Quantum mechanics
- What a quantums hobbies are
- Schrödingers Cat
wormhole 6
Ella lost in space
- The planets of our solar system
wormhole 7
Dwarf planets and black holes
- Origin of black holes
- What is singularity?
- Spaghettigication
wormhole 8
Just a red striped sock
Ellas adventure is heading for it´s end.
wormhole 9
Nothing different, but a cat
Wondrous End : )